Intense story on a galactic scale: Play as the Master Chief and Spartan Locke across three new worlds.
Your team is your weapon: Play the game solo or with friends in a 4-player co-op experience.
Warzone: New, massive-scale multiplayer mode that supports 24-player battles.
Arena: Halo’s established legacy of pure, skill-based 4-vs-4 competitive combat.
New rewards system: Earn Requisition Points to redeem for new gear.
Extensive multiplayer content: Receive more than 15 new free maps and earn fresh, new content like weapons and gear, each month after launch.
The biggest evolution of the epic sci-fi video game series, Halo.
Enjoy the greatest games lineup in Xbox history with titles like Quantum Break, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Forza, Rise of the Tomb Raider and ReCore.